Wednesday, October 12, 2005

D'Anne Burley Law Resource Network - Arbitration-Criminal Investigation

What Happened To Justice in The United States?

What has Gone Wrong? And Why are so many people being the target of Fraud, Hate Crimes, Acts Against Whistle Blowers, False Arrest, Theft, ID's Neing Stolen Without any Due Process of Law Nor Law Enforcement Agencies Really Helping!

Welcome to the D'Anne Burley Show Arbitation Site

It has become a major concern that Millions of American are being faced with Legal Concerns which are not being addressed within the location law enforecment Agencies and or who have had they're Rights Violated within the Court Systems because of Corruption.

We are the D'Anne Burley Show have decided that we can be of service in addressing these issues by offering assistance via and legal resource network.

To get us to investigate your case matter please contact us by calling 1-847-594-1620 24 hrs a day 7 days a week.

To enroll in our Legal Network the fee is $100 every 6 months and fees for investigation of case matter is billed at $50 per hour for research and links to those who can better serve you, We then will act as a Media Advocate, taking your story to air and interviewing those involved to get to facts other may have over looked.

Identity Theft is on the rise. What can you do to protect yourself? we will create a measure to teach you now to protect yourself against this crime and also investigate those who may have been involved, in addition to getting the Policing Agencies to Act on your behalf.

We will launch an investigation of those involved with these types of frauds and contact the agencies in your state to get them to act on your behalf and air it on our program.

We can attempt to get murder cases reopened, look into court corruption, whistle blowing assistance and can help you with matters concerning utility, telecommunication, banking, housing fraud, Discrimination, Police Matters, and other crimes that no one else can assist in we will attempt to uncover the truth and expose all on Radio, Television and connect you with others who can help.

Contact us today, 1-847-594-1620.

In addition you can e-mail us at